FLYCUP 2/4 Oława 2015/17

ul. Szeroka 67/68, Gdansk, Poland

Oława: Host of the second round of the Flycup 2015 and 2017

The second elimination round of the FLYCUP Freestyle Flyboarding Competition Cycle took place on the Oder River in Oława. The cup was held as part of the “Piana Bosmana” festival. The annual event attracts residents to the river offering them plenty of attractions on water and land. Swimming competition on anything, dragon boat races, land animation zone and evening concerts. In such an event, the flying slippers fit perfectly. The growing sports level, more and more difficult stunts delighted the crowds of spectators. Six Poles and one representative from the Czech Republic and one from Mexico took part in the competition. It was the second of the four FLYCUP eliminations planned for this year. We took care of the organization of the competition at the request of the Cultural Center in Oława.

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