Water Show Gdańsk 2018/19 (Poland)

ul. Szeroka 67/68, Gdansk, Poland

The biggest Water Show in Poland

In June 2019, Water Show Gdansk once again drew crowds to the Motlawa River!
The event took place on the last weekend of June and kicked off the summer holidays. Saturday was a day of qualification, training for the competitors and a day of testing for the public. On Sunday there were 6 different disciplines: High Diving, Flyboarding, Cable Wakeboarding, Death Diving, Blob Jumping and Jet Surf featured the best athletes from around the world. In 2018, around 35,000 people watched the shows and it was with such a large audience in mind that the organisers modified the rules of competition in each discipline so that they were clear and understandable to all participants. 
The weekend of 29-30 saw the second edition of the Water Show in Gdansk. On the Motława River, between Ołowianka and Granary Island, the best athletes from Poland and the world competed in elite water disciplines. The hit of the 2019 edition was the High Diving show, i.e. acrobatic jumps into the water from a height of 24 metres! A man jumps at 100 km/h in 3 seconds to perform complicated acrobatics.
The insanely spectacular variation of water jumping may soon be on the Olympic programme. Equally important to the event was the open, international FLYCUP hydro-jet flying competition. Consisting of three rounds of competition – a flips competition, best trick and battles. The top 10 competitors from around the world and four Poles turned up for the competition in performing aerobatics using water jet – Flyboard. One of the stars was American Damone Rippy Flyboard World Champion 2017 and World Vice-Champion 2018. In addition, top riders from Russia, France, the Netherlands, Argentina and the Czech Republic also performed.
There was also plenty of excitement in the slalom on motorised surfboards. The popular Jet Surf was held on a specially set up track between the Fish Market and the Crane. In this competition we saw the then leader of the ranking and 2018 World Championships Aneta Sakharova. The Water Show Gdansk featured dragon boat racing, a team competition in which dragon boats competed in a 200-metre sprint. We also saw the solo acrobatics of blob jumping, which is the jumping of people launched into the air from a water launcher. In addition, not only the professionals but also the spectators performed on the obstacle lift – wakeboarding!
The great reception of the public and the satisfaction of the people of Gdansk in 2018 allowed us to develop Water Show Gdansk in 2019 as well,” commented Kajetan Sikorski, event organiser, “We expanded the event to 2 days and on the first day we invited the public to join in the fun.


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